So if you're here it's because you would like one of my libraries absolutely free?! (Don't blame you)
BTW - if you pick either Panormos or Thassos you'll receive both parts 😀
Here's what you'll need to do.
Follow me on X @luminolaudio
Re tweet (re X???) The post that brought you here.
Comment on this blog post
Join the website As a member
That's it!!! 5 minutes tops!!!!
Then as soon as I've (hopefully) waded (as opposed to combed) my way through the entries I will send you a link to a Google drive to collect your download.
Oh.....and thanks for taking part, making an online store and recording the fx was the easy part - getting the word out that I've done it is really difficult.
You'll get a free library but also be helping a one-man-band field recordist to spread the word.
Hey it’s tatooineunited from Twitter. Hope I helped!
Looking forward to checking out the libraries :)